- Book Salon
Book Salon with Michael Busch – 11 | Brandon Mills

The Polis Project is excited to welcome the University of Colorado Denver’s Brandon Mills to our Virtual Book Salon. On Thursday, November 19, he will join us to discuss his new book, The World Colonization Made: The Racial Geography of Early American Empire (University of Pennsylvania Press). The book traces the colonization movement in the United States from its earliest manifestations during the revolutionary period through the Civil War and immediately following Emancipation, and looks at the ways in which American colonial expansion – domestically and internationally – was bound up in issues of race and republicanism. Indeed, the fledgling project of U.S. Empire during this period, Mills argues, can be understood as an effort to realize a system of self-governing, racialized republics that mirrored white supremacist institutions at home.
We will talk about all of this, and more. The conversation will stream live and simultaneously on the Polis Project Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook accounts.
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