Four Decades Later, No City for Women Echoes the Enduring Impact of Yugantar Film Collective’s Path-Breaking Documentaries Aditya Shrikrishna
The Gaza Doctrine: Israel’s New Levels of Brutality in Gaza Defines its Warfare in Lebanon Toufoul Abou-Hodeib
BK-16 Prison Diaries: Varavara Rao on prisons as institutions of corruption, sadism and dehumanisation Varavara Rao
Torn Clothes, Scarred Bodies and Fenced Roads: Barbed wires as a material of occupation in Kashmir Sabahat Ali Wani
BK-16 जेल डायरी: नव-पेशवाशाही जेल व्यवस्था में एल्गार क़ैदियों की बग़ावतें – रमेश गायचोर की हक़ीक़त उन्हीं की ज़ुबानी Ramesh Gaichor
BK-१६ जेल डायरी: नव-पेशवाई तुरुंग व्यवस्थेविरोधातलं एल्गार कैद्यांचं बंड – रमेश गायचोर यांच्या जगण्यातून Ramesh Gaichor