The dismissal of the first elected Communist Government in Kerala: An abuse of Article 356 of the Constitution V. Krishna Ananth
Right to life is not mere animal existence: The landmark verdict of the Olga Tellis case, 10 July 1985 V. Krishna Ananth
Constitutional democracy cannot be taken for granted: Decoding the Allahabad High Court’s Judgment of 12 June 1975 V. Krishna Ananth
A new bunker on the way to school: Explaining to a child the military presence in Kashmir Nisar Dharma
Citizens and the Sovereign: Stories from the largest exodus in contemporary Indian history – An overview Sunil Tamminaina
COVID-19 and spatial inequality: “Address discrimination” and biases worsen segregation for Mumbai’s slum residents Kavita Iyer
COVID-19 outbreak in Kashmir: the Indian government deploys a bureaucratic response to a public health emergency Rayan Naqash
What does it mean to live under the constant fear of being declared a foreigner in your own country? Personal notes on citizenship and belonging Ambarien Alqadar